Climate Change: Animal Observations

Just like us humans are adapting to a warming climate by opening up the pools and turning on the A/C a week earlier than usual, or not turning on the heat until December, other beings in the animal kingdom are acclimating as well, and many people I have spoken with have taken notice! Some people [...]

Finally Some Flowers!

Being in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, I have typically been floating around elevations of 3000-5000 feet, where in early March it can still be quiet cold and winter-like even in North Carolina and Tennessee. However, I do occasionally drop in elevation to below 2000 feet to cross roads or get into towns and in these [...]

Life Beside The Trail

Woooo! I have made it out of Georgia today and have hiked about 90 miles total! There was lots to see and talk about along the way. Another one of my goals while hiking is to document 250 different species of things! Like plants, animals, fungi, birds, etc.. In Georgia in just 8 days I [...]

Trail Magic and Climate Talks!

Wow!! I've met so many people who are passionate and willing to share about climate change, it's almost hard to keep up! In the last two days I've ran into some great trail magic along the way and on both occasions also had great conversations about the state of our ecosystems. The first people, pictured [...]

Bus Trip Into Georgia

Hey everyone! So I finally made it here and have been on trail since yesterday afternoon! But In order to get here I had to take a 24 hour bus trip from Albany to Georgia! The bus ride was very interesting to say the least! While reboarding our bus after an hour break in Richmond, [...]